Host A RIVER CITY DRUMBEAT Panel/Watch Party
Set a time and date to host the conversation about “River City Drumbeat” online before, during or after the broadcast. Attendees can also watch “River City Drumbeat” on the PBS app before your conversation.
Select a platform to host your event: Zoom, OVEE (PBS stations), Facebook Live, Twitter chat.
Select a moderator. Invite a guest speaker(s) to join the conversation and share their experiences and thoughts about the “River City Drumbeat” story. Suggestions for speakers: local artists who work with youth, after school program director, staff, and participants, musicians, educators, local heroes.
Send/post invitations and include the broadcast date/time of “River City Drumbeat” on PBS station (check local listings) or a link to the program on the PBS app. Use the film images from the social media toolkit.
Talk about the film using the hashtags below and tag us about it using the hashtags and handles in the social media toolkit.#RCDrumbeatPBS @DrumbeatMovie
Twitter: Watch Party Best Practices PBS stations have access to OVEE the Online Video Engagement Experience for online group screenings and panel discussions. For more information visit
Contact Michon Boston (Impact Producer, RCDB)