Quotes & Reviews
“Critic's Pick.”
“Amazing...a must.” ★★★★ San Jose Mercury News
“At the heart of this documentary from Marlon Johnson and Anne Flatté is a drum line in Louisville, KY that offers children a chance to engage with Black art and history….The film listens for this community’s heartbeat, finding its steady pulse just as expected: healthy and strong.”
“A beautiful story of a legacy using art to build character. ‘River City’ shows how community is what matters in a child’s life.”
“River City Drumbeat is an edifying story of rhythm, passion, and rites of passage.”
“One of the most inspiring documentaries of the year.” “...an indie movie miracle, a reminder that there is kindness and compassion and community in this world…”
“Amazing visuals, and superior storytelling. River City Drumbeat is a cinematic delight that will warm your heart.”
“An engrossing and inspiring story! I was moved by the loving spirit of those in the film and those who made it.”
“Dazzling drum corps, inspiring stories of talented youth, and a deeply intimate portrait”
“I so appreciate the telling of this remarkable story and being allowed the privileged of witnessing the lives of ordinary people who face extraordinary challenges and win. Aside from being “a feel-good film” it was a testament of what the human spirit can achieve given the right recipe and support... How we as human beings have the power to change the course of each other’s lives and be the strength and encouragement needed for ourselves and those we invest in. This is a story that brilliantly told itself...the cameras were so unobtrusive...allowing the magic to flow uninterrupted... Again I thank you for telling this powerful story…”
“I invite and encourage you to witness the power of music and culture in the lives of young people and their community by watching River City Drumbeat.”
“The film RIVER CITY DRUMBEAT by Miami native and Emmy-award winning Marlon Johnson tells the story of a group of kids and teenagers based in Louisville, Kentucky, who are learning about their African ancestry through drumming....The main character Edward White has dedicated his life to leading the drum corps. The film takes viewers through a critical moment where White passes the torch to one of his former students, Albert. It’s up to Albert to now lead the drumline and train the next generation.”
“[Marlon Johnson] and Anne Flatté were approached by producer/filmmaker Owsley Brown, who was born and raised in Louisville, about an African-American drum corps from a West Louisville neighborhood that thrives by being connected through music, art and the cultural traditions of their African ancestors. The documentary follows the group’s founder, Edward ‘Nardie’ White, who was retiring after three decades — and highlights his dedication to community drum corps and the training of his successor Albert Shumake, whose troubled life, much like Johnson’s story, was transformed by participating in the after-school arts program.”
“When you find someone who can connect and tell a story it’s bliss. River City Drumbeat is an incredible story of family and tradition and honor, finding your roots, which gives you your wings.”
“It is a fact that hardship hits black and brown communities the most in these United States of America, and because of this generational curse certain luxuries such as art education are not priorities for some of these families. However, knowing the effect that art can have on the imaginative child’s brain, it opens up so many opportunities and creates a new outlook on life as this child grows despite the environment they grow up in. However community staples such as Edward White, who devoted his life to leading the River City Drum Corp (RCDC), make a difference in the life of hundreds of these children in the past 30 years. Anne Flatté and Miami Native Marlon Johnson, directors of the movie RIVER CITY DRUMBEAT capture the integral moments of his journey as he not only grooms his replacement but also impacts the new generation of future leaders in the process.”
“RIVER CITY DRUMBEAT, which follows the students through drumline battles like the Da’Ville Classic Drum Line Showcase, also shows RCDC members at home and at practice as they navigate the end of high school. In one scene, White visits the nationally lauded Louisville sculptor Ed Hamilton in his downtown studio. Hamilton talks to his friend and fellow arts leader about encouraging teachers from his past. ‘Somebody had to say, ‘You got something,’’ Hamilton says to White. ‘That’s what you do.’”
“…an example of what can happen when children are offered compassion, opportunity and a place to explore their creativity. ‘River City Drum Corps exposed me to a different side of life that I wasn’t getting from my parents. It was a great feeling to have people who were interested in my interests and my well-being,’ [Shumake] said. ‘Mr. White and Zambia’s belief in me allowed me to be comfortable as a person who values creativity, and now I am in the position to pass on those values.’ Besides the transition from White to Shumake, the film follows senior high school students Jailen Leavell and Imani Keith as they prepare to leave the drum corps and go off to college. The audience also watches as younger members rise through the ranks to fill Leavell and Keiths’ places in the drumline. ‘The philosophy of the River City Drum Corps is that every child deserves to thrive. The arts are a key part of that equation, and communities must provide those children time, resources and mentors so they can succeed,’ said Johnson. ‘I believe every child needs the chance to connect with the arts, and this film tells the story of what results when that connection is fostered.’”
“Directors Flatté and Johnson take us deep inside Nardie White’s world, a world bursting with beats: of the heart, of the community, of the spiritual universe. We see the ups, the downs, the kids — those kids! — and the passionate commitment of the adults working with the kids. Enormous challenges, staggering climaxes, and a steady drumbeat of possibility. My father, Leonard Bernstein, would have wept for joy.”
“From the beginning of the film, I knew I was in for something special, and It did not disappoint..an urban film without victims, only heroes and mentors, and a rich history of family. ‘Black art matters’ — you don’t find that in films, usually you find basketball, football as a way to get out — RIVER CITY DRUMBEAT focuses on the art, the music, and the hard work—this is a very powerful film.”
“The film provides a quilt of provocative and meditative visuals and soundscape that transport you through time and ground you in the raw heart-driven story. Underlying the story is a resounding mantra of “love, loss, hope, repeat,” that is a driving force in hard-hit communities throughout the country. The music throughout the film provides a buoyancy and anchor as we are introduced to the characters that provide the heart and soul of the film. Like the main protagonist, Mr. Nardie‘s T-shirt proclaims, River City Drumbeat is a “Universoul” story of the heart of American communities, and the hope and inspiration one mentor/teacher can provide.”
“Powerful, relevant and well-made films are perfect tools for teaching a number of important liberal arts concepts. River City Drumbeat is one of those films. Students find the characters and conflict entirely relatable, yet they understand that filmmakers had to work hard in often uncomfortable or emotional situations to create the story without influencing the story itself. Students also learn that storytelling is the essence of education and so aspire to learn to tell important stories themselves.”